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Alternative Black Friday

Well if your inbox is anything like mine it will be filled with Black Friday Offers....not sure about you but they fill be with anxiety - have I missed out...should I buy...damn I paid too much last week!!

So this post is a little light relief from the overwhelm in your inbox!

During Kindness & Co's first year from September 2019 to September 2020 we donated £9422 to local charities. When I posted that on Facebook / Instagram a few weeks ago I said OMG cant wait to see what we can do next year. Well I didn't have to wait long....since 1st October we have donated £11042.20!

  • £6559 to South Ayrshire School Clothing Bank
  • £1000 to Aoifes Sensory Bus
  • £1000 to Night Before Christmas Campaign
  • £1483 of products donated to Whitleys Retreat / Beautiful Inside & Out / NHS.
  • £1000 to Unity Grill Christmas Dinner Campaign

And thats just in 2 months! that has meant my website has at times been bare....but that aside I'm absolutely delighted and so grateful for all your purchases - look what good things we're able to achieve.

The School Clothing Bank donation is huge, it meant when large request for uniforms came in last week I was able to purchase all the items needed - total spend for that was over £2500 - last year that would not of been possible!

So guys I don't have a Black Friday Offer for you, but you know every penny spends does some wonderful stuff and I thought I'd just share that with you as a wee reprieve from the Black Friday Madness!

Have a great day, and thanks so much for your continued support.

Please feel free to shout and share about your Kindness & Co purchases too, lets spread the Kindness & Co net as far as we can!

Kind Wishes

Nicola x

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