Last day for Pre-Christmas Delivery - 2pm on 19th December. Any orders placed after this will ship 6th January

New designs....and early mornings!

Ahhh lockdown has been a strange one, I'm so much more conscious of what is coming into our house be it people or packages, conscious of what we're spending our money on and what deserves our time.  It got me thinking about my candles and how can I create something people would love to give, be delighted to receive and cherish in their own space.  It brought back memories of things my granny used to say, quotes I've loved and most of all things I want our girls to hear and take with them through life.  

Like most people just now my sleep has been all over the place with ideas popping into my head in the middle of the night of at 5am!  So a few weeks ago I just got up and set pen to paper.  Literally wrote like some crazed lady, I have pages and pages of memories, quotes and funny sayings...did have a wine induced chat on Whatapp with the bestie and we had some cracking ones but they're more "Co" than "Kindness" so we'll save them for another day!

The first 3 candles in this collection are my favourites....I hope you love them as much as I do!  xx

1 comment

  • Hi have just moved back to Ayr and have discovered your products-do you sell through any shops? All your scents sound lovely but would have to run them past husband -very sensitive nose!

    Moira Carson

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