Last day for Pre-Christmas Delivery - 2pm on 19th December. Any orders placed after this will ship 6th January

School Clothing Bank Update & Christmas Market News!

Its been a busy few months for School Clothing Bank, I've been working with schools and Ukranian support teams making sure everyone arriving into the area has the uniform, shoes and jackets they need for school.  Also established a hub within Dalmilling Primary, the hubs hold a selection of uniform in every size and they distribute when needed.  I also sent in some jackets and this week some hats and gloves going in too.  Hub system is continuing to work well, during the last few weeks I've topped up the hubs within Ayr Academy, Girvan Academy, Marr College, Queen Margaret, winter coats have also gone into Newton Primary.

Total uniforms provided is 1383, referrals and top ups happen throughout the year so that will continue to increase.   I think now more than ever the hubs are showing the true benefit, as children and young people can have access to uniforms whenever needed - they don't need a referral they can approach school and they have supply whatever is needed. 

I've been lax on keeping South Ayrshire School Clothing Bank facebook updated, however lots happening as you can see!

Summer took a really busy turn unfortunately K&Co funds couldn't quite keep up with the demands for uniform so I need to look at alternative fundraising options going forward too - naively I thought selling candles might just be enough.  However its also given me the push I needed to get out and do some Christmas Markets....totally out of my comfort zone I'm much happier hiding in my wee hut making candles!!

I was also delighted to be nominated in the Scottish Social Enterpise Awards, in the One to Watch category!  It was a great evening at Scottish Parliament, and although Kindness & Co didn't win it was a great experience and I was delighted to be nominated.  

I think thats all my news, thanks for reading

Nicola x

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