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Synchronicity & Serendipity


I've been meaning to share this story for such a long while, but ahhh where to begin!  I have a habit of long rambling stories so I'll try to keep this short - you might want to grab a cuppa though.

So back in 2016 I joined a subscription box Little Box of Crochet - made by the lovely Amanda Bloom.  The boxes are an absolute delight, filled with gorgeous crochet projects and lovely extras too - I Ioved getting them.   

In 2018 Amanda put a post on about selling a wax melter - (synchronicity #1!) she was putting it on ebay along with other candle things.  I had a been dabbling with candles at this point and had lusted after a wax melter!  So I checked out the ebay page and noticed the end day for the auction was 7th June this was my late dads birthday and I took it as a sign that I should just go for it. 

So I placed a bid and guess what I got it!  This was the start of Kindness & Co, it set in motion everything that you now see - before I was using a double boiler to melt wax I could never of grown the business to be what it is now without it, it was a total game changer.

So if that wasn't all lining up nicely enough wait till you hear what happens next!

We realised shipping the melter etc wasn't an option we would have to collect - in Manchester!  Eeek from Scotland!  However let me back up a little, since our littlest girl was 4 she has wanted a golden retriever...not just any golden but a working golden - just like the one her gran and papa brought back when they lived in USA.  So in 2017 we started looking for one, we were on waiting lists, joined all the working golden pages on facebook but we were having absolutely no luck!  Then in April 2018 the stars aligned and we got a puppy....she would be ready to collect 17th June - in Swindon!  So that weekend we started an epic road trip, littlest one had a gymnastics comp in Perth...we then drove to Manchester met the lovely Amanda for the wax melter collection...then drove to Swindon for our Ruby!  What a weekend eh!  

When the timing is right the magic happens - and 2018 was when the magic of Kindness & Co started!  Amanda's melter is still an absolute god send, I love it - Ruby was the perfect addition to our family - she fitted in perfectly and Kindness & Co is changing, adapting and doing exactly what I'd hoped it would!   Oh I still crochet...but I'm no where near as good as eldest daughter Emily - it was Little Box of Crochet advent wreath Emily finished in December - synchronicity and serendipity right there!  



  • I’m a great believer that things happen for a reason and at a time that’s often not our choosing but when it should be.
    I love your story and all the delight and goodness it brings to others. Through your idea & amazing candles we all feel were helping others a little 💙💜

    Georgie Furrie
  • Magic happens when we least expect it! Lovely story and thank you for sharing 💜💜💜

    Carron Wallace
  • What a lovely story of your journey to getting to where kindness and co is now. Your an inspiration to us all! Well done X

    Angela McCaig

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