Last year a group of mums who had devastatingly lost a child to a brain tumour, came together to form the 'angel mums'. In October they did a skydive together raising £77k and very importantly LOTS of awareness of this brutal disease.
They've really only just begun their work... this year they are back, with more ‘angel mums’ in the same heart-breaking position as them. They are facing a triple challenge in 2024 which they've named 'earth, wind & fire'. The challenge comprises the following;
18th May - Snowdon climb (Earth)
20th July - Wing walk (Wind)
19th October - Walk on hot coals (Fire)
In the words of Louise Fox (mum of George #forever13)….
We can tell you now, that most of us are terrified of taking part in these challenges – but we are driven by a need to make a change in memory of our children. None of us want to see others go through what our children have and face the life we now face without our children.
We are spurred on because we’ve seen our children so bravely face surgeries, chemo, radiotherapy, painful immunotherapy, countless drugs / tablets, MRI’s and needles. Can you imagine having to watch your child go through all of this knowing that it would only prolong, and not save their life?
Fact: Brain tumours are the biggest killing cancer of our children and adults under 40. This is a fact we never knew until it was too late and the unthinkable happened and our children were diagnosed with this terrible disease.
The journey and treatment plans for these tumours mostly hasn’t changed for decades, not enough is being done to raise money for research, historically only 1% of government cancer research funding is spent on brain tumours – this is a devastating statistic!
When each of our children were diagnosed with their brain tumour, there simply wasn’t ANY hope for them at all and lots of our children were given a 0% chance of survival which is just heart-breaking.
We would like to raise money for the Tessa Jowell Foundation, as it’s committed to funding and supporting the transformation of brain cancer treatment and care in the UK. The money we raise will go towards the development and roll out of the Tessa Jowell Centres of Excellence for Children. The Tessa Jowell Foundation are striving to make a real difference in the area of paediatric brain tumours. Not only with research and precision medicine, but so importantly with the care children receive whilst going through this unbelievably devastating diagnosis.
We wouldn’t wish how we are feeling now, on any other families and are determined to raise as much money as possible to enable The Tessa Jowell Foundation to continue their truly ground-breaking work
We hope to raise £100,000+ & make a real difference to children with brain tumours & offer HOPE for the future.
Please support us at www.justgiving.com/page/angelmums2024
#braintumour #childloss #angelmums #glioblastoma #dipg #anaplasticastrocytoma #medulloblastoma
Candles come packed in hand stamped linen bag
See our social impact page for updates.
Approx 45hrs burn time